Craft-Alert: Best New CS2 Crafts
Topic: Best New CS2 Sticker Crafts - February 2024
Recently, the Counter-Strike Twitter community has been popping off with some amazing sticker crafts. We've taken some time to explore what has been shared over the last days and weeks and picked a few that we found to be some of the best CS2 sticker crafts of February 2024.
Find out how to be featured in the next edition in the final paragraph of today's article! The prices showcased in the headline are the current skin prices, the cost of the stickers at the time of the craft is mentioned in each paragraph.
AWP | The Prince: Craft keshandr (Gold): $3300.00
We're starting off today's article with
@leafycs and his AWP Prince in Battle-Scarred condition from the “Canals collection” with a float value of 0.58. It was blessed with one keshandr (Gold) sticker from Boston 2018 Major. The total crafting price was USD 555.
Buy AWP | The Prince
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AK-47 | Inheritance: Craft DickStacy (Golds): $197.87
In the latest Counter-Strike case, the Kilowatt Case, we received an amazing new skin for everyone's favorite T-rifle. The AK-47 Inheritance has been introduced and that's where
@savagetaco4 comes into play with four DickStacy (Gold) Berlin 2019 stickers. These four stickers cost him a total of USD 1700 and they were applied on a Factory New Inheritance with a float value of 0.068.
Buy AK-47 | Inheritance
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M4A4 | Etch Lord: Craft Golden (Foils): $2.67
The highest float craft in today's article comes from
@JabGG_. A total of five stickers were applied on this 0.99 float value M4A4 Etch Lord. Once again, this new M4A4 skin can be found in the Kilowatt case. Four Golden (Foil) Boston 2018 stickers cost around USD 20 and one Stone Scales (Foil) around USD 3. Let's play a game: Are you able to find the Stone Scales sticker?
Buy M4A4 | Etch Lord
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AK-47 | Hydroponic: Craft rox (Holos): $2025.00
Next up for our best new CS2 sticker crafts, we have
@SKTLS_CS who recently decided to apply five rox (Holo) stickers from the Antwerp 2022 sticker collection on his Factory New AK-47 Hydroponic., making it a one-out-of-four craft. Out of these, it's the lowest float one, with a float value of 0.02. The crafting price is around USD 455.
Buy AK-47 | Hydroponic
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Sawed-Off | Analog Input: Craft DreamHack 2014 (Papers): $2.24
Sawed-Off crafts may have been something you didn't expect to see on this list today, but, thankfully to
@SughCS we have the privilege to share his most recent craft with you. The Sawed-Off Analog Input from the Kilowatt Case. Just like many others, this one is in Factory New condition with four mixed stickers from the DreamHack 2014 Major tournament. Crafted for approximately USD 140.
Buy Sawed-Off | Analog Input
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SG 553 | Integrale: Craft MLG (Holos): $58.89
Now, we will go back to an old-school type of craft.
@KrakonCS picked up a Factory New, 0.069 SG 553 Integrale from the "2018 Inferno Collection" and applied four MLG (Holo) Columbus 2016 stickers on it. The craft is insanely well-matching between the skin and stickers and would cost you around USD 60.
Buy SG 553 | Integrale
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AWP | Desert Hydra: Craft VirtusPro (Holos): $2313.76
The first "double-scope craft" we'll showcase in this series was done by
@hippi_cs. Two stickers were applied on the "Black Scope" of his AWP Desert Hydra and two on the body with a float of 0.58. The total craft value is around USD 975. What do we think of this one? Are you already thinking about double-scope crafts yourself?
Buy AWP | Desert Hydra
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M4A1-S | Black Lotus: Craft EnVyUs (Holos): $23.00
Many people from the community would agree that the M4A1-S Black Lotus is one of the best skins from the newest Kilowatt case. If not the best.
@euphoriaCS2 will most likely agree with that statement and applied four Team EnVyUs (Holo) stickers from Cologne 2016 Major. The stickers would cost between USD 50 to USD 55 if you want to do a similar craft yourself!
Buy M4A1-S | Black Lotus
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M4A4 | Howl: Craft Katowice 2014 mixed (Holos): $6400.00
The most expensive craft on this list was done by
@Robloxian245_ and on his M4A4 Howl. This is where not one, not two, not three, but four Katowice 2014 Holo stickers come into play. Two of them also have very interesting rotations. This Factory New Howl got four stickers applied to it with a combined value of around USD 13.000.
Buy M4A4 | Howl
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M4A1-S | Nightmare: Craft Cloud9 (Foils): $41.51
Lastly, for the best new sticker crafts, we have one more rifle which for some reason didn't exist up until this point.
@Jon5367 expanded their DreamHack 2014 collection by applying four Cloud9 (Foil) DreamHack 2014 stickers on Factory New M4A1-S Nightmare. Truly a vintage craft that brings many memories from the old Counter-Strike days. This craft nowadays costs about USD 650 to USD 700.
Buy M4A1-S | Nightmare
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Writers favorite
I'd lie if I didn't say that DreamHack 2014 crafts from this list weren't my favorite crafts. But, some others are also standing out due to the idea behind them.
@JabGG_'s craft on the new M4A4 Etch Lord shows how good some skins can be, even with the worst float value. Since the most recent update, where Valve introduced the fifth sticker position and their rotation, we are looking forward to seeing what the Counter-Strike community can cook up in terms of future crafts.
Related YouTube video
Today's article topic was also published on our YouTube channel! Feel free to check it out.
We hope today's article found you well and that you maybe got inspired to craft some new stuff yourself. In case that you do, make sure to tag
@CS2Crafts and
@esportfirecom on Social Media and you might get featured in the next "Best New CS2 Sticker Crafts" article.
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