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Bymas Steam Inventory Review & Value - CS:GO

Bymas inventory review

Topic: CS:GO Bymas inventory value, review

First off, Bymas is the first pro to like my Tweet and stop by on stream, it was really nice to get a little insight on his skins! That's not the only good part about this inventory tho, there might only be two pages, but he made sure these count!

The total value adds up to 9'500$ valued by the Sharkbay discord. This is not a small inventory by any means, especially considering it only comes with 33 items. That makes an average of 288$ per item (untradable ones includes).

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General inventory

There's not a whole lot of crafts but the ones he got, he all made himself apart of his M4A4 Emperor that is provided by the one and only "Schmutz" crafter, Frog boi Marc (we love you). He's one of the only pros i've seen so far that crafts with any team sticker, which makes his crafts look alot better!

As an honourable mention, I have to go for both his Whiteout as well as his M4A1-s Printstream. The Printstream comes in a .011 while the Whiteout is FN as well. Both of them had 4x Stockholm Mouz (holos) applied but he scraped them since they look terrible in low res. Really respect that, very style aware.

Amphibious with BFK Doppler p4

You know the drill, we'll look at the combo he is rocking first. On his hands we see a nice pair of Sport gloves Amphibious in a .131 float. Despite them being minimal wear, there's a fairly big scuff on the first two right knuckles.

To complete this combo, he went for a good old p4 Butterfly Doppler. This phase is by far my favourite one. With his .024 float it's looking pretty damn clean as well. He did specifically search for a pattern with alot of blue and it really paid off. The whole knife has a blue hue to it plus down at the bottom of the blade there's a very saturated part of blue, which matches the beautiful blue handles magnificently.


AK-47 Vulcan

A skin as old as time, the Vulcan has always been popular and will always be popular for good reason, the clean motif plus staurated colors make this the perfect red skin for any blue inventory.

His Vulcan in particular comes in a .042 float with barely any visible scuffs. Applied on it are four MLG 16 Luminosity holos making a perfect match for the light blue stripe on the back of the gun. I love the holo color range of this sticker, definitely one of the better Columbus stickers in general.


M4A4 Emperor

Provided by Marc, this M4A4 makes for an endgame blue loadout. I love the 3D Max holo, the contrast between this royal blue, yellow and bright red looks stunning.

This Emperor comes in a .031 float with, as previously mentioned, four K14 3D Max holos! This has to be one of my favourite M4A4 skins in the whole game, love me some red/blue contrast!


P250 Whiteout

Float capped at .06, this Whiteout is the high-tier standard for P250s ever since 2015. It's such a simple, yet such a mesmerizing skin, we don't get alot of single colored skins but when we do, we make sure to appreciate them.

His comes in a .069 float along with four very pretty Boston 18 Cloud9 holos. You can't go wrong with a stickered Whiteout! I absolutely love the kaleidoscope like holo effect on the Cloud9s. To this day I don't understand why the Whiteout out of all skins is float capped at a .06, it would be soooo cool to get a completely clean one.


Galil Stone cold

I absolutely adore this craft, I was actually considering making it myself before. It's such a lovely fit with the color tone of the stone cold, it even comes with a .009 float while being selfcrafted.

As you've probably seen already, there's four Col 16 Counter Logic holos applied on this pretty Galil. I think Cologne 16 is one of the most underrated sticker collections. They got amazing holo effects and the fractured shape of it really stands out.


AK Bloodsport

As a last skin in our inventory review, we got a float beast of a Bloodsport! This was the first time I realised that it says penetration power 200 behind the trigger, coincidentally that is also what I say about my trigger.

The float comes in at an incredible .0009 and there's just as many Krakow 17 ropz foils as there are 0 in this float. A total of 3 ropz foils scattered throughout the body makes a phenomenal match for this well floated skin but I would prefer a nice sticker on wood as well, maybe something like Krakow 17 Mousesport Foil, since it doesn't have the overbearing filling that the signatures do.



Overall, I quite like this inventory, definitely the best skins from all of Mouz and as I stated previously, I´m in awe of this man's crafting skills. All of his selfmade crafts match their canvas incredibly well. There's also a whole blue theme going throughout his inventory.

That's the kind of power you can only achieve when you are humble enough to look past your own team for the sake of finding true beauty. This pro inventory is just oozing with personality, you can tell he loves his skins!


If it wasn't for all the missing guns in his loadout, this inventory would get an easy 9+! Yet since there's a whole lot of guns missing such as an AWP, Famas, MP7 and many more, I have to give him a 8.261.

I tremendously enjoyed reviewing this inventory, not only because there's some gems in there, but also because I got to talk to the man himself. It's always great to hear people talk about their own skins!

All images taken on: Broskins.com

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