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Best of first April 2022 CS:GO Sticker Crafts!

Crafts Of 1st April - TOTALLY SERIOUS

Topic: CS:GO Craft on first April

Welcome everybody to today's article where we´re looking at some of the best April Fool crafts that we saw on Twitter yesterday! Just to make it clear the crafts below didn't really happen, we still hope to entertain you with the following piece, enjoy reading!

  MrJesus   Andy

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Multicolor Unicorn

As @RaCSGO discovered, a beautiful MP9 got crafted by China. For the first time in a while, we finally have a mixed craft, this one is a combination of Titan, Vox, Reason, and IBuyPower, all Holo Katowice 2014. The chosen MP9 was the new Starlight Protector unfortunately just .00 float and non-ST. Overall that's quite a decent craft with a price tag of $150.000.


The Blue Flame

An unthinkable combination has finally become reality! @MrKrakens decided to slap four Titan Katowice 2014 holos on an Ak-47 Jet Set. The Jet Set is one of the best in the game, but unfortunately wasn't all too popular when it comes to crafts. This one is the first with a Titan Holo Katowice 2014.


Not a Craft but a Fix

Sometimes crafts are in need to be fixed! Having plenty of crafts since 2014 is a big part of this issue. This day, thanks to @ExerpasCSGO, we finally get to admire a huge fixing. The legendary Mac-10 Heat with four Reason Holo Katowice 2014, which used to be owned by @ohnePixel, got two of his Reasons fully removed and one half scraped. That was a huge and well-received impact in the community!


Best AWP in the Game

At the request of @MVPHAS_csgo, his friend @CHarambeCS decided to open a rare 2014 Souvenir package! Unbelievably he got the rarest thing out of it, an AWP Safari Mesh with IBuyPower Foil Katowice 2014 on it. After that lucky experience he decided to apply an IBuyPower Holo Katowice 2014 on the scope, making the craft complete.



We hope you enjoyed reading through this more or less fun article! We will be back with some real "Craft-Talks" very soon, stay tuned for that and feel free to check out other skin articles in the meantime! Have a great weekend and start to April everybody!

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