Monthly CS:GO-News: February
Welcome to our third monthly CS:GO market recap! For those who haven't read the previous one, these will include the latest news regarding CS:GO skins and the market. Following points are in the creating process:
-New rare and unique unboxes;
-New expensive and/or rare sticker crafts (Katowice 2014, Krakow 2017, contraband stickers etc);
-Market changes (items going down/up in price);
-Official skin related content (new cases mostly, but anything from valve);
-Uncategorized (New marketplaces, skins recently registered on or off databases);

General Introduction
Let’s first address the elephant in the room, and talk about the crisis happening in Ukraine. First of all we want to remember that the lives of other people are at stake and sometimes investments should be not the main talking point. We wish everybody involved nothing but the best!
Therefore in all shortingness: Due to CS:GO having a large Ukrainian and Russian playerbase (around 12% of CS:GO players are Russian and Ukrainian) some people expected a large impact on the market. This expected impact was not really to be seen so far!
On the 12th of February, Chinese new year ended, with many Chinese players getting money as gifts (common Chinese tradition) this was expected to have a large effect on the market, however literally nothing has changed.

With the end of the Riptide operation, some changes in the market, such as a short-term boost, were expected. Some of them already happened to for example the Operation Riptide Case, which went up around 8% within a single day, followed by a slight 2% drop-off. Other than that operation skins are very unpredictable, and we’re excited to see what's gonna happen in the upcoming months!

First, we got this very nice SG 553 | Integrale with 4x Virtus.Pro | Katowice 2014 stickers.

We decided to start with this beautiful combination because we´re talking about the #1 Float Integrale. Even though the VP on the scope has seen better days it´s a lovely craft in our opinion.
This month we had many Katowice paper crafts, but the first places in terms of fitting go to the following two:
A Gold Arabesque with 4x Vox Eminor | Katowice 2014:

M4A1-S (StatTrak™) | Printstream with 4x Clan-Mystik | Katowice 2014

Not every MP9 craft this month had such mixed feedback though. This MP9 | Bulldozer with 4x (Holo) | Katowice 2015 received more clear positive feedback.

If you´re interested in more skin related articles check out our "Skin-Category" down below!