Semifinal matches in the upper-bracket of the Flashpoint
This Sunday two absolute top matches will take place at Flashpoint 3. While Astralis meets mousesports, G2 and NiP play against each other. These matches are the upper-bracket semifinals. One of the four teams is already qualified for the final and today's winners will play it out in the upper-final. The spectators expect two exciting duels.
Game 1: Astralis vs. mousesports
Astralis shows in the first event since the departure of dev1ce so far a very confident performance. With relatively clear wins against OG and DBL PONEY, the Danes around the "new" fifth Bubzkji qualified for the upper-bracket semifinals and have caught a quite doable opponent with mousesports. The European mixed team, which had to struggle with problems after the departure of karrigan, also showed good performances at Flashpoint. 2:0 victories against fnatic and the BIG Clan speak for themselves. In the duel between Astralis and mousesports, the odds are very even.
Game 2: G2 vs. NiP
The evening match of today is an absolute top duel. While G2 has already won against FaZe and Heroic, NiP had two easier tasks on the first two days with Anonymo and FunPlus Phoenix. If both Astalis and NiP win their matches, it would come to the first direct duel between dev1ce and his old team in the upper-bracket final. Due to the not quite convincing performance of the Swedes so far, the odds clearly favor the European mixed team around IGL nexa between G2 and NiP. However, the spectators can expect an absolute top duel on equal terms and the first real test for the Ninjas.
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