Special Edition: Reviewing jAlexs inventory
If you're reading this article, chances are pretty high that you've heard of jAlex since he literally owns this page. His love for CS:GO can not only be seen in the pro environment but also in his inventory.
His total value sits at a solid 4.600$, consisting of mostly MLG Columbus craft and two knives with one pair of gloves. There's an odd amount of AKs in his inventory, a total of 25, he could equip an army with that!

General inventory
As an honourable mention, I would like to talk about his .007 Rank 1000 SSG Dragon Fire. Not only is the rank pretty cool, the float also comes in a funny secret agent number. Applied throughout this gorgeous skin are four MLG Columbus FaZe holos, melting into the orange colors of the Dragon Fire.
Fade with Doppler?!
Matching this special pattern is his .034 Ursus Doppler P1 which features pretty much exactly the same color as the special right hand pattern! Unexpectedly amazing combo which I fell in love with ever since I first saw it on Twitter.

AK-47 Legion of Anubis
Fairly underrated skin in my opinion with four times Splyce delight. The stickies make a phenomenal match and on top of that, it's self crafted! Always love to see people craft skins themselves, especially with such a dedication as MLG Columbus 2016.

USP-S Orion
I myself am not the biggest fan of the Orion but I definitely appreciate when people get there dream skins from their baby years in CSGO. Due to it being half way discontinued, you don't see them as often anymore as when I started playing CSGO.

Galil Cerberus
The float comes in a steady .034, a worthy canvas for these MLG beauties making it another absolute certified Splyce classic. I think no matter if you like the MLG Columbus stickers, we can all agree that the Splyce one absolutely slaps!

Negev Dev_Texture
I haven't really had this Negev on the radar but I have to say, I love the saturated colors of it, especially with the Splyces. Coincidentally, the Snakebite case where this skin is from, looks awfully similar to the stickers applied.

Famas Commemoration
With a funny float of .02500 this brightness based skin is looking nice and shiny. Probably the best Famas skin out there, not counting the new eye Famas which does look a bit better.

The only thing that I could see getting better is the amount of AKs in this inventory. Like come on, there's two 4x Splyce Empresses, one with statty and one without. Other than that there are also three different Redlines with only one having MLG stickies.
To get an even better score, the E on the glove would have to be better and the missing MLG Mag-7 would have to be completed. Thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this inventory and getting insights of the man himself in my chat!