What nationalities participate at the BLAST World Finals 2022?
Topic: Nationalities, Age and Experience at BLAST World Finals 2022
Have you ever wondered what the nationality distribution of a CS:GO event looks like? Or how old the players, IGLs or Coaches are on average? Today we took a closer look at the players and coaches of the BLAST Global Finals 2022 and summarized all kind of interesting information for you in this article.
Nationality Distribution
Let's start off with the nationality distribution of the BLAST Global Finals 2022. Including the coaches, we got a total of 18 different nationalities at the event. The by far leading country in terms of participants is Denmark with 11 individuals, followed by Russia with 8!

Age Distribution Players
Looking at the age distribution of the BLAST Global Finals 2022 for the players only we have a range starting at 17 years and going up to 32! The youngest player of the event is m0NESY, while the oldest is karrigan. On average the participating players are 23.5 years old.

Age Distribution IGLs + Coaches
Next up we wanted to look at the ingame leaders and coaches in more detail. With an average of 26.8, the IGLs are considerably older than the average player of the event. The youngest of them are Jame from Outsiders and electronic from NAVI with an age of 24, while the oldest is karrgian, who's calling for FaZe!
The coaches are on average 32.3 years old, while having an age range starting at 27 years and going up to 37! The youngest coach of the event is the German Swani from G2, while the oldest is RobbaN, who's the coach for FaZe Clan.

Last but not least we took a look at the experience the different players have. On average the participant of the BLAST Global Finals 2022 started playing in 2015 and with that pursues a professional career for more than 6 years!

We hope you enjoyed today's article that summarized some facts and numbers of the BLAST Global Finals for you! If you want to see such articles more often feel free to let us know via our
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