All entrances of the second EsportFire Artwork contest
Topic: 2nd EsportFire Artwork Contest - CS:GO Artwork Creators
Welcome to the second EsportFire Artwork Contest! First of all a short introduction for all of you who're not familiar with our Artwork Contests. The CS:GO scene has a big community of amazing artists who showcase skins and crafts in their own, unique way.
In order to support and bring together the CS:GO artwork community, we decided to start a little series where every artist gets the chance to showcase their specific style for a certain topic. Below we will present you all entrances and link you the artists under the artwork, feel free to reach out to any of them to get an artwork for yourself!
General explanation
Before we get into showcasing the artworks themselves we wanna give you some general information on how the decision process works and what's on the line when it comes to prizes for the winner and second place. While the first EsportFire Artwork Contest was fully dependent on the community, who had the chance to vote for their favorite artist by liking the entrance on Twitter, we introduced an Expert Panel this time.
Th Expert Panel consists of two artwork specialists (
@enjoytehride &
@PizzzaBot as well as two community members (
@ExerpasCSGO &
@jAlexCSGO). Each of the members rates every artwork from 1-10, while the community still builds the second part of the rating. Every 10 likes on the Twitter post also brings 1 point for the final rating. Logically the panel voted before the community in order to not affect the final result afterward.
The prize pool for the second EsportFire Artwork Contest sums up to a total of around USD 73! A huge thanks goes out to
@dushfack who provided the Cologne 2014 London Conspiracy (Holo) in order to support the artwork scene, which will be the price for the winner of the contest. The runner-up gets four Cologne 2014 HellRaisers Papers! Let's see if we might get some amazing crafts out of those!

#9 - Kollateral (1.85 Points)
We're starting today's article with
@KollateraI who submitted a creepy labor scene with some monitors and a naked body in a container in the background. Up front in this quite dark scene is the Famas placed on a table.
Community Score: 0.6 (6 likes)
Panel Score: 1.25
Panel Feedback: "Intriguing scene with moody atmosphere, could have more focus on the skin and more imaginative posing."
Artwork by KollateraI
#8 - 4kauz (3.8 Points)
Up next is
@4kauz with a nice scene where the Famas is the main object in front on a table, while a person is working in the background. Additionally, the artist added a bipod to the Famas and some eyes on the table. A clean and good-looking artwork.
Community Score: 0.8 (8 likes)
Panel Score: 3.0
Panel Feedback: "Solid showcase of the skin. Appreciate the addition of the bipod and the consideration to color coordinate it."
Artwork by 4kauz
#7 - temp_csgo (4.0 Points)
As our third artist in today's article we got
@temp_csgo with a lovely full character scene. The T-side player model is standing in front of a red Mclaren that is parked right before a foggy neighborhood. The Famas itself is in the hands of the model.
Community Score: 1.0 (10 likes)
Panel Score: 3.0
Panel Feedback: "Confident posing and creepy ambience but lacking a clear theme or substance."
Artwork by temp_csgo
#6 - BadIsTonic (6.35 Points)
The next submitted artwork is quite extraordinary! The artist
@BadIsTonic decided to go for a colorful scene where the Famas is mid-air in between some old TVs while a person is trying to grab the gun!
Community Score: 1.1 (11 likes)
Panel Score: 5.25
Panel Feedback: "Engaging arrangement and variety of effects, the bloom and particles add a lot of energy to the composition."
Artwork by BadIsTonic
#5 - itsVnmzCS (6.85 Points)
What a creative, colorful, and good-looking scene that got submitted by
@itsVnmzCS. While there's a big eyeball in the middle of the scene the Famas is placed on the left back with the sticker and skin itself getting showcased individually as well.
Community Score: 2.1 (21 likes)
Panel Score: 4.75
Panel Feedback: "Fun ideas and broad variety of materials and textures but lacking clear structure or focus."
Artwork by itsVnmzCS
#4 - westp00l (10.8 Points)
A scene that could be part of a well-made horror movie easily. The main part of the artwork is the Famas which is getting held by a zombie woman who got eyes all over her body. The background and overall color combination looks perfect, making an overall amazing submission by
Community Score: 3.8 (38 likes)
Panel Score: 7.0
Panel Feedback: "Intentionally disturbing character and a good combination of effects and posing."
Artwork by westp00l
#3 - DUEL_lxl_TOXIC (14.05 Points)
We're entering the top 3 of our second EsportFire Artwork Contest! The artist
@DUEL_IxI_TOXIC went for a very clean but high-quality display of the Famas. Although there are some eyes and bullets on the table, nothing really distracts from the main attraction which is showcased beautifully! Furthermore DUEL is the community favorite of the second Artwork Contest with 78 likes, congratulations!
Community Score: 7.8 (78 likes)
Panel Score: 6.25
Panel Feedback: "Clean and readable. The bullets and eyes very closely resemble the original skin."
Artwork by DUEL_IxI_TOXIC
#2 - Pocket_tweeting (14.35 Points)
It has been sooo close! Two likes more and our beloved artist
@pocket_tweeting would have taken home the win with this absolutely stunning artwork themed around a clock. The overall composition of the scene and display of the Famas is amazingly put together and the color combination is perfect! Although he didn't win the main prize this time, Pocket is the highest-rated artwork by the expert panel and still gets four Cologne 2014 Hellraiser stickers. Congratulations!
Community Score: 5.6 (56 likes)
Panel Score: 8.75
Panel Feedback: "Enticing and carefully constructed, showcasing motion but not distracting from key elements."
Artwork by pocket_tweeting
#1 - aNXTYcs (14.45 Points)
Last but definitely not least - as it's the winner - is the artwork by
@aNXTYcs. The artwork displays a somewhat spooky situation and brings the Famas to life like no other! The overall well put together scene is the deserved winner of the second Artwork Contest and also the second community favourite with 72 likes! We wanna congratulate aNXiETY and once again thank everyone for participating. With his victory he takes home the main price: A Cologne 2014 London Conspiracy Holo - Congratulations!
Community Score: 7.2 (72 likes)
Panel Score: 7.25
Panel Feedback: "Energetic and engaging. Embraces the skins design into the composition and demonstrates effective lighting and depth."
Artwork by aNXTYcs
Expert Panel - enjoytehride
Before we end today's article we want to showcase you two more artworks that got submitted by two members of our Expert Panel! Thus they submitted artworks but didn't compete in the contest themselves.
First up we got an amazing, blueish scene by
@enjoytehride who placed the Famas up front on a wooden table, while having a majestic women in the background. To spice things up even more there's a card deck coming down from above, adding a third layer to the already great-looking artwork!
Artwork by enjoytehride
Expert Panel - PizzaButt
Also part of the newly created Expert Panel is the winner of the first edition -
@PizzzaBot! He once again delivered an amazingly put-together scene with a person laying on a sink while having the Famas in between the legs. The lighting of the stickers and the whole scene makes it look magical and is extremely well done!
Artwork by PizzzaBot
With that, we have come to the end of today's article and the second EsportFire Artwork Contest! We wanna thank everyone who participated, voted and supported the project so far and hope to see you all again for the third edition!
Until then have a great rest of your day and feel free to follow us on
Twitter in order to not miss any future content! For now make sure to check out our newly released
CS:GO Mini-Games that are linked right below this paragraph!
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