Crafts, Prices & Supply Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) - Sticker Spotlight #54
Topic: Sticker Spotlight – Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) Supply, Price, Crafts & Trend
We already spoke about one North American team that took part in the Katowice 2015 Major. But we can't forget about the second one, Cloud9 G2A, a team that had some well-known players. Let's learn more about their progress in this tournament and take a look at the crafts that were made with their sticker.

Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A – General Team Information
Their first match was against Team SoloMid on Nuke. All 30 rounds of the map were played out, with Team SoloMid ultimately securing a 16-14 victory. This put Cloud9 G2A one step behind TSM and, who also secured a win in the first round. The second game was against the loser of the other first-round match in the group, namely 3DMAX. Once again, the veto led them to Nuke. However, this time they seemed to be way more comfortable, as evidenced by the final result. A 16-10 win for Cloud9 G2A, giving them a final chance in the decider match.
The playoff spot would be up for contention in this game against Team SoloMid, a chance for revenge that C9 didn't want to blow. They gave their best performance, but in the end, it wasn't enough to overcome Team SoloMid, and Overpass ended with a 16-8 score in favor of TSM. With this loss, Cloud9 G2A concluded their Katowice 2015 Major run in 9th to 12th place. They were awarded USD 2,000 from the prize pool.

Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) - Sticker Supply
It's worth noting that these numbers only represent the stickers that are publicly listed for sale and may not reflect the total supply. There could be many stickers in various inventories, including storage units, that are not currently listed. Additionally, private Steam inventories are not publicly accessible, so we have limited knowledge about the stickers stored there. For more detailed and up-to-date information on the sticker and its supply, you can check the EsportFire Database.
Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) - Price Trend/Development
At the moment, the cheapest Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) sticker can be found on Buff163 for USD 321. In Buff163’s “Trade Records” tab, we can see that previous stickers sold for anywhere in the USD 312 to USD 335 range, so the cost of a future four-time craft, would be roughly around USD 1248 to USD 1340.

Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) - Sticker Crafts
The lowest float skin with four stickers applied to it is the Glock-18 High Beam in the Souvenir version. @BlkkheadCS is the owner of this Glock-18, which was, in fact, crafted by @leafycs in April 2023. Next up is another pistol, the USP-S Blueprint which, until recently, was in the hands of @_Sabach and is now owned by a Steam user named "MEOW MEOW". It features an amazing mixture of two different blue tones that make the sticker slightly pop out on the USP-S. One noteworthy point is the significant number of rifle crafts with the Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) sticker, represented by the M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle that was owned by @erupT_cs and the M4A4 Temukau by @red507.

Katowice 2015 Cloud9 G2A (Holo) - Sticker Crafts
@BjottenCS, a Katowice 2015 enthusiast, has a wide variety of unapplied Katowice 2015 stickers and also owns a few really unique crafts. One of these unique crafts is this AK-47 Case Hardened with pattern 567. The final skin I want to showcase is the M4A1-S Icarus Fell by @f3edo. This one might be surprising to some, as you don't see the dark pattern Icarus Fell as often as you see the bright sun pattern.

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