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The Best CS2 Audio Settings according to 30+ Pro Players

Find the best CS2 audio settings

Topic: The Best CS2 Audio Settings according to 30+ Pro Players

Hello everyone, in today's article we give you a brief overview over CS2 audio settings and then do a deep dive into the best audio settings according to 30+ CS2 Pro Players. This article is based around research posted by @ThourCS2, feel free to check him out on X.

  tmez   jAlex

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CS2’s EQ Profiles 3 main audio options: Natural, Crisp and Smooth:

In CS2 there are 3 possible options to change the audio in a way that has the highest effect on the overall audio output.

Natural: When using Natural audio setting the audio gets no additional coloration (alteration in a sounds frequency that results in a change of its original tone)

Crisp: This option enhances mid and high frequency tones, which helps you locate sounds and reduces overall muffling, but might sound hard on some occasions.

Smooth: The third option reduces mid and high frequencies, giving you a feeling of reduced harshness, volume spikes and an overall lessening of ear fatigue, when playing long sessions. Recommended for better quality headphones and players with higher in game sound volume.

So what option do the best players in the world use?

The most common CS2 Audio Setting for pro players was using the:
  • EQ Profile: Natural
  • L/R (left/right) Isolation: 0%
  • Perspective Correction: Yes

EQ Profile usage by 60+ Pro Players:

As shown in this pie chart, a bit less than two thirds of the asked pro players say that they play with their EQ Profile set to Normal, whereas only 37,5% play Crisp and therefore choose to enhance their mid and high frequency tones. However, none of the asked pro players use Smooth as their EQ Profile of choice.

Best Audio Settings in CS2

Left Right Isolation usage by 60+ Pro Players:

This option set to 0% means your left right isolation is physically accurate and the more you increase the percentage up to 100% the more the sounds will provide you with a sense of left vs right.

As seen in the pie chart below, most pros tend to have the physically accurate 0% left right isolation.

Best Audio Settings in CS2

Perspective Correction as used by 60+ Pro Players:

Exactly 3 out of 4 pro players asked in this survey have stated that they use the Perspective Correction, because sound sources are accurately rendered adjusted to your current field of view. Whereas 25% choose to play without the Perspective Correction and therefore might have positionally misleading sounds, but according to CS2 itself it is recommended for players that play the game close to the monitor.

Best Audio Settings in CS2


We hope this article gives you a brief overview about how pro players set their audio volume in order to have the best CS2 audio settings in CS2 and gain a competitive advantage over their opponents.

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