CS:GO Community Pickups: OUT NOW!!
Topic: CS:GO Community Pickups & Crafts
Hello and welcome everybody to a new series here at EsportFire! With our passion for skins, we thought adding "Community Pickups" is an amazing way for us to cover even more skin content and also interact with our community regularly!
Additionally to the articles, which will most likely come out every second week, we will also review every submission live on Twitch/jAlexCSGO! Feel free to join us.
The Mesh King
To kick things off we have an amazing Black mesh from @
Cato1337. The AWP has an rare float of .79999 and is actually the nr. 11 highest float in existence but it's getting even better! It also has a Crown Foil on the scope that was applied by Dev1ce himself, which makes it very unique and rare, such an amazing pickup!

The Cptn
The next pickups are actually crafts, freshly made and quite amazing. @
CptnKraken decided to apply seven SK Holo Cologne 2016 stickers on some skins.
He applied four of these on a beautiful low float P90 Death By Kitty and the other three on a XM XOXO with a crazy blue pattern that is fitting the stickers perfectly. He is well known for his unique crafts and this pickups are the perfect example.

The Stockholm Effect
The Stockholm 2021 stickers went absolutely crazy in the past week. Many took the chance and sold their investments but not @
RaCSGO! He bought some Entropiq gold stickers at around $ 3 each, and once they hit $ 16 he decided to apply them on a .007 R8 Memento. The stickers already dropped back down to $ 10 each since then.

The Classic One
It's always nice to see people getting some classic pickups especially when they look that good. One to mention would be @
vnonarchy's M4. He got an M4A1 Cyrex with three ESL Red Cologne 2014. The fit between the skin and the stickers is absolutely perfect and he even topped it with applying a fitting sticker on the last spot. The combination is quite old and common but it's just the perfect craft. In total there are over 100 of it´s kind.

The Sharky Glock
What an absolutely outstanding sticker combination! The competition was high and some of you might wonder why I went for that one, but from the first moment I saw it I fell in love with how fitting the overall combination of this craft is! What a nice pickup by @

What a Combo!
Most of the recent pickups that got sent in, were crafts or casual skins, but we also got a few knife/glove combinations that got picked up lately! The one that totally stood out for me was by @
LadisDad! What a shiny and quite rare combination, totally love it!

Controversial but lovely!
The following pickup by @
TheHum4n was probably one of the most discussed pieces on stream, but in my opinion an absolutely lovely craft. What a meme skin to play in your casual Faceit or Matchmaking lobby!

What a banger craft owned by @
McLarent! The Virtus.Pro holo Katowice 2015 stickers just fit the rather newly released Deagle Fennec Fox great. A nice detail to mention is that the Deagle itself is also the #1 lowest float in existence!

What an amazing first piece of this series. Not only did we really enjoy selecting all the skins for this article, but we also had an amazing time live on stream reviewing every submission together with you!
We hope you all also enjoyed that piece and we will see each other again next week with the next edition of Craft-Talks! Have a great week.
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