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Why are Counter-Strike Skin Prices going up? An Analysis

The CS market has seen a significant increase in prices over the last weeks!

Topic: Why are CS:GO Skin Prices going up? An Analysis

In the past months the price of all csgo items including cases, stickers, skins, etc. have risen significantly. One of the reasons is obvious: The new CS2 update. This news changed the whole market dynamic, since most people are sure that skins are here to stay for a longer time and a new player base is on the rise with thousands of new players every day. The highest price increase has been made by the younger cases.

  SiNeXo   jAlex

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Cases Price Development

Talking about cases, to start off today's article we want to give you an overview of the price development of CS cases! Our house own Indexes categorize in three different graphs: Cases that got released prior 2016, cases that got released between 2016 & 2019 and cases that got released after 2020! You can find all three charts below and on our EsportFire Indexes page.

The oldest cases, peaked at an increase of around 98 percent over the last three months, while currently standing at around 64 percent increase compared to early February. The second index, that includes all cases that got released between 2016 & 2019 peaked at an increase of 127 percent and currently stands at +72 percent! For the newest released cases we already teased a record breaking increase during the introduction. The index had its peak at around USD 16 and with that a price increase of 220 percent since the beginning of February! Currently, we're at 120 percent!

Overall Counter-Strike Market Price Development

Let's take a look into the overall market trend. The increase over the last three months is around 45 percent. The index shown below includes every Counter-Strike items currently available for purchase and with that is not 100 percent accurate in its total value, but shall give us a pretty decent overview of the market situation as a total.

All item Graph Index

Further Analysis

But today we don’t only want to discuss the Counter-Strike 2 hype and the potential of rising player numbers, what we really want to discuss is the financialization of Counter-Strike items in comparison to the real financial assets you can buy on banking platforms. The first comparison we want to point out, is the already discussed correlation in one of our articles with the cryptocurrency market.

What we can see here is the rise of the Bitcoin price and skin market value over the past 3 months. While you can argue that the correlation is there, a real comparison can not be drawn to mark the market momentum.

All item Graph Index
Now let's look at it from a different angle and make another guess. What if we are not dependent on the Bitcoin price but rather on a lagging asset like altcoins or Ethereum? Bingo. The market movement as well as the profit percentage with about 100 percent in 3 months seems to be linked together.

All item Graph Index
Just to go into a bit more detail, let's start with a comparison of the Ethereum price to one of the best-known indices in the world: NASDAQ. I have to admit they are really similar in one way or another.

All item Graph Index
Now you are asking yourself, why are we comparing all the charts with each other? To draw a conclusion and this one is quite astonishing. Not only is the Counter-Strike skin market dependent on the game, it is also tied together with most financial systems, because the market psychology behind timing and investing has a lot counterparts which are working together from time to time.

One of the highest negative correlations to assets are the worth of a currency. Let's take a deep breath before we come to the last chart. The same day, the market and the FED (Central bank of America) decided to devalue the Dollar, the same day the skin market started rising.

All item Graph Index


Hopefully you enjoyed today's article, which tried to give a better insight and idea on why the Counter-Strike market keeps on rising and how it correlates with other assets. Feel free to check out our other latest articles right below this paragraph and have an amazing rest of your day!

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