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Antwerp Major: Story Lines

Story Lines around the PGL Major in Antwerp

Topic: CS:GO PGL Major Antwerp

With the Antwerp Major underway, there is a lot to be discussed regarding the storylines of some of these exciting teams and players. Stories new and old will develop before us, legacies will be added upon, the flames of competition will be fanned, and the smolders of hope will be smothered.

The Major is every Counter-Strike player's dream, and everyone wants to lift that trophy, however, the importance of this major weighs differently for everyone. Each player, team, and organization has its own reasons for needing this major.

  Jellin   Andy

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Does The Resurgance Need More Time?

As one of the only two teams hailing from North America at the major, a majority of the region's hopes rest on Liquid. Without taking anything away from Complexity, they simply don’t have the experience behind them to hold up the weight of NA, whereas Liquid's roster is packed with North America's top talent. This Major shouldn’t come with the expectation of a trophy lifting run for them, however, they need to show that they can compete with the best in the world once again. Liquid's performance at this event will show whether or not NA has any room left for them at the summit of CS: GO, or if the region's teams, once again seek changes.

European Table
Source: Joao Ferreira @itsmeERROR PGL Major Antwerp

From Unknown To The Major.

A storyline that will be talked about for a time to come is that of the Bad News Eagles. BNE is the first orgless team to make a major in 8 years, the last time being the CIS roster under the name dAT Team, who qualified for ESL One: Cologne 2014. This extremely unprecedented occurrence will be a refreshing sight for many spectators, but more than that it will be exhilarating for the BNE players. The tale for the Eagles is ongoing, and their legacy as an orgless team will likely end soon, with them being signed likely on the horizon. For the talented and orgless team, all eyes are on them to see just how far they can go.

European Table
Source: Joao Ferreira @itsmeERROR PGL Major Antwerp

Could This Be Farewell?

Commonly dubbed The Last Dance, Imperial is FalleNs newest, and possibly final team. A roster consisting of the trio from the Brazilian reign of Luminosity, and SK who won back-to-back Majors. The Last Dance roster has the leadership of FalleN, fer, and fnx, these older, but legendary players are looking to rewind time, and relive their glory days from 2016. The team has looked strong coming into the event, toppling so fierce competition to make it to the challenger's stage. Getting to the event itself is an amazing feat for players that are somewhat removed from the game, being able to see them on the Major stage one more time would surely be a wonderful send-off for all their fans, and if this were to truly be their last dance.

European Table
Source: Joao Ferreira @itsmeERROR PGL Major Antwerp

Time Is Running Out.

G2 has a lot to prove. Although highly debated, there is no doubt NiKo is one of, if not the best Rifler in the world, along with a top 3 player in the world. G2’s supporting cast is full of top talent, although lacking experience together, this team has every right to set their eyes on hoisting that Major trophy. However, this event is less about G2, and more about NiKo, and his legacy. NiKo has already had multiple shots at lifting the Major, and now that S1mple has gotten his hands on one the pressure is on. The clock is ticking, for Nikola Kovač, and the stakes have been raised in the battle for the title of the best player in the world.

European Table
Source: Joao Ferreira @itsmeERROR PGL Major Antwerp


Enjoy watching the major everyone and stay tuned for a follow-up piece to this article! Feedback and support for our pieces is always appreciated. See you for the next one and enjoy your day!

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