Sources: Astralis To Sign Farlig
Multiple sources have told EsportFire that Asger "farlig" Jensen is soon to be signed by Astralis.
With a disappointing performance from Astralis at the PGL Major Stockholm, ending in a 12th-14th place, the team looks to rebuild the roster. They have signed the previous compLexity duo blameF and konfig, and with the rumours of
dupreeh, magisk and zonic leaving the team at the end of their contract (
Vitality : zonic, Magisk & dupreeh to replace XTQZZ, shox & Kyojin « News « 1pv).
The sources confirm that Astralis will sign former FPX and Copenhagen Flames AWPer farlig. The questions surrounding this move will be of
what will happen to Lucky, who was signed back in late July this year. (
Announcement by Astralis)
Lucky has played five events for Astralis, showing a lackluster performance, thus could be the reason for the organization to pick up farlig. This was Lucky’s first Tier-1 team to play for, where the time factor becomes a question of letting him become comfortable in the team and the environment. After the information from the sources, it begs the question of what will Lucky's future look like
New Lineup
According to the sources, the rumoured lineup will be:
- gla1ve
- Xyp9x
- blameF
- konfig
- Lucky
- farlig
- bubzkji (benched)
- ave (coach)
Astralis has chosen not to comment.
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