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Nordic Duo To A South African Team

Sources: ATK Rebuild Their Roster With Scandinavian Talent

Topic: CS:GO - ATK Rebuilding Roster

ATK is currently competing in the North American ESEA Premier Division, where they are facing off against opposition such as Bad News Bears and Triumph.


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Further Information

ATK is known for bringing up players such as Johnny 'JT' Theodosiou, who currently is competing for Complexity and former Cloud9 and Extra Salt player, Aran 'Sonic' Groesbeek.

Sources have told EsportFire that the South African organization is looking towards the Nordic countries to strengthen their roster.

The sources mentioned the acquisition of the Norwegian, Erik 'truth' Hansen, and the Swede Jonathan 'b0denmaster' Bodenmalm.

truth has been without a team since his departure from Apeks in October 2020 and b0denmaster was a part of Lilmix.

ATK did not answer, when asked for a comment.


ATK has listed four players on their main lineup, at the time of this article, which leads to question who will be left out.
According to the sources, the lineup will consist of:

Gareth 'MisteM' Ries
Ian 'motm' Hardy
Wiljahne 'MANGO' Smith
Rhys 'FADEY' Armstrong
Erik 'truth' Hansen
Jonathan 'b0denmaster' Bodenmalm

Daniel 'Spray' Kogan (Coach)

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