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ClutchCancer - CS Community Charity Event

Uniting the Counter-Strike Community to donate for Cancer Research!

Topic: ClutchCancer - CS Community Charity Event

Today we would love to share a new project organised by a close friend of our page!

ClutchCancer is a charity project organized by Morten Byskov (ZukwiZ) where several professional CS players and public figures from the CS:GO scene are supporting. And everyone who is interested can join and group up together to support the project “Cancer Is Not For Children", which is handled by the Danish Cancer Society.

ClutchCancer: Donate to cancer research according to how many StatTrak™ frags you make from 1st May to 1st June.

  jAlex   ZukwiZ   jAlex

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How does it work?

The concept of the project is that CS:GO players are supporting the project “Cancer is not for Children”, where each player will donate according to how many StatTrak frags they make in-game. With every kill collected on the skin, you’re donating 10 cents to charity!

If you don’t play that much you can also just donate a bit of money via the site. ZukwiZ also provides the possibility for people to donate skins which he will then sell and send the money to the cancer society! If you want to take part in the project you can register on Clutchcancer.com. The first season will run for 1 month, starting 1st of May.

To enter the project you can choose one of two packages (All fees will be donated to charity):
  • Package one includes a personal page with a picture of yours along with a description and links to your socials. This will cost you EUR 50 + the X amount of frags you make with whatever ST skin you choose.
  • The second package includes your name/gamertag and a link to one of your socials for a total of EUR 10 + the X amount of frags you do with your ST skin.
“Our mission with ClutchCancer is to make it more engaging and exciting to gather money for various important cancer projects.”

ClutchCancer Charity Project

Why we love and support the project

Combining gaming and fun with a good cause is something we love to see. The idea of donating to charity in order to help with cancer research with every StatTrak kill is an amazing way to showcase what our, sometimes misunderstood, gaming community can do when grouping up together.

Who is part of ClutchCancer?

ZukwiZ has started and runs the whole project by himself. However, he has been fortunate to find some great partners early on and several pro CS players have welcomed the project and provided valuable feedback to the whole concept.

Some of the bigger names who have joined are: Dupreeh, olofmeister, Twistzz, Hooxi, Snappi and Bubzkji!

Anders Blume (Skybox and CSGO caster) and Frederik Byskov (co-founder of Astralis) are on board as ambassadors to help open more doors. Last but not least we will hopefully see a ton of people from the community support and join the project. Read more about how you exactly can support the project here: clutchcancer.com/supportclutchcancer.

ClutchCancer Charity Project

Message from ZukwiZ

This project is something that I have been wanting to do since my father died of cancer last year. I have had quite some difficulties in opening up and talking about the struggles we have had in my family, and this is a way for me to, hopefully, heal a bit faster.

I have tried to put my thought on the project in words, which you can read under our “Mission” page, here: clutchcancer.com/mission.

A big thanks to Alex for taking his time making the article and being part of this, and supporting the project in the way he has.

Thanks again and god bless you all.

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