Topic: CS:GO Crafts AK-47/AWP/USP-S & more!
We´re back with another edition of "CS:GO Craft-Talks". Since our last release, around six days ago, quite some crafts were created! We´re as always excited to bring them to you, let´s start with the article right away!
High-Tier section
start of 2022 was quite impressive in terms of high-tier crafts and it's not showing any signs of slowing down. This week was filled with multiple nice crafts as well as two absolute high-tier crafts. First one being a #611 Ak Case Hardened FT with four Katowice 2014 Titan holos and a
total price tag of round about USD 227.000. Always hard to exactly tell the prices of those crafts but should draw a picture of what sums we´re talking about!
The second banger of a craft was a pretty "unknown" one. An AWP Dragon Lore with four Katowice 2014 Titan holos appeared on Twitter BUT we don't know exactly how many were applied, according to
@RaCSGO up to three. The craft was made by the known Chinese collector
@mangoduck755. The
total "craft-worth" with current prices is around USD 180.000, but as already mentioned, he didn´t apply all of them!

The new A1 meta!
As we saw in the past weeks
M4A1s are in very high demand for crafts after the buff they received some months ago. This time around the crafts are not that insane but still beautiful and definitely worth showing! First to mention would be the number five (.002) Welcome To The Jungle with
four Katowice 2014 Mouse holos applied. The total craft price (with the weapon) is above USD 20.000!
Another banger of a craft happened on a
ST Printstream where four Katowice 2014 Titan non-holos got applied. This craft sums up to a total amount of round about USD 11.500. Another quite nice craft was made once again on a Printstream, this time a "smaller" one with four Virtus Holo Dreamhack 2014 and a total craft value of around USD 440.

New skins
The new case that we just got was a bit disappointing for some in the community but
nevertheless we saw some first amazing crafts happening. Most noticeable is the StatTrack MP9 Starlight Protector with four Harp Of War holos. Those are one of the rarest stickers in the game and they cost around USD 580 each!
The crafter (
@PathCSGO) also decided to
apply four Katowice 2014 HellRaiser holos on the new M4A1 Night Terror. Interestingly he went for a StatTrack battle-scarred one as they look better in-game than the factory-new version of it! Probably the only skin in the game that has a higher value in BS (USD 58) than in FN (USD 44). The final new craft we want to mention happened on the
new AK-47 Nightwish with four Katowice 2015 CLG holos applied by a Youtuber called
"friendly". The total price tag of the craft is round about USD 1.440 (gun price included).

There are still two more crafts which happened recently that we want to mention in this article, both of them on USP-S skins. One of the was made by
@OfficialRepo on a Whiteout. He applied four Dreamhack 2014 Could9 holos. The other one was created by the TSM collector
@CyCyScOtT on a 0.00006 USP Black Lotus. He, of course,
applied four Katowice 2015 TSM holos on the USP-S! The total price tag of those two combined is around USD 910.

Another week with some quite amazing crafts and especially the Kato-14 holo one's don´t seem to slow down in 2022. If we missed anything make sure to let us know in the comments! We hope you enjoyed the next part of our CS:GO craft talk series, if so feel free to share our article!
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