Craft-Talks: OUT NOW
Topic: CS:GO Crafts AK/AWP/M4 & more
After a very quiet end of 2021 with almost no crafts, 2022 is starting off amazing. Due to so many awesome crafts we are already back with a second article within the last two weeks! For all of you who haven't seen the last piece of this series make sure to check it out!
Give me a Reason
A few days ago a true banger has been crafted! For the 3rd time someone decided to combine the notorious Wild Lotus with four Reason Holo Katowice 2014 stickers. Overall one of the best combinations in the game for sure!
As you would expect the crafter decided to go with a lower float than the other two previous crafters, nevertheless it's still "just" a .00. With current prices the craft costed around USD 141.000, crazy to even write down such numbers! Worth mentioning as well is another very nice AK-Craft. Someone decided to apply four HellRaisers Katowice 2014 on an AK-47 X-Ray.

Virtus.Pro is back in the crafting-game!
Regardless of a great year for Kato 14s in 2021 just four Virtus Holos were applied. Still a lot some might say, but compared to other Kato 14 holos quite little for a whole year! For example Dignitas holos were applied a total of 30 times! If you wanna know more about last years Kato-14 crafts, you can find everything worth to know
With already eight being applied in the new year it´s looking much better for the Polar Bear in 2022! Both of the crafts are 1/1 and done by @Koi_Swifty. The first four got applied on one of CS:GO´s most legendary skins, the AWP Dragon Lore. Worth mentioning is the very low float of .0001. The second craft was done on the lowest float M4A1 Printstream, once again showing off the great crafting potential of the Printstream skins. @Koi_Swifty applied a total amount of around USD 19.500.

There're two M4s in the game?
Since the last update the M4A1 has been super dominant, not only in game but also when it comes to crafts. The first one to point out in that regard is a Stat Printstream with four Vox Katowice 2014 holos applied. A craft many people have dreamt of for a long time. It seems like the M4A1 Printstream finally gets shown the love it deserves!
The total price sums up to around USD 80.000. As it seems like @doudycs also fell in love with that combination and decided to craft a "little brother" with Kato 15 VOX holos on a Stat M4A4 Printstream. This might seem like a more "casual" craft at first, but comes in with a price tag of around USD 5.000! Another ST Prinstream craft was made by the know Chinese Collector @MitaoCatCS, who applied four Harp Of War Holos on it. Amazing!

Hopping on to some Krakows
Being pretty known for his crafts in the Twitter community, @hoppin_99 decided two create two more beauties for his collection using eight AdreN Gold Krakow 2017. At first he crafted an amazing AK-47 Hydroponic with a special float .00420133769. Not gonna lie, one of the best float combinations possible. Secondly he decided to go for a .0003 Deagle Prinstream. His amazing collection is growing! He now has four quad AdreN crafts plus a .59 Black Prince with one applied on the scope.

Winged Defuser
Finally after a long time we got some amazing new crafts with a rare sticker that's often forgotten. @Swooce69 decided to further increase his quite amazing collection in the past days. He applied four Winged Defuser one the following skins: .000004 second lowest float Ak Neon Rider, .006 USP-S Neo-Noir and .00002 second lowest float Glock Neo-Noir. He also owns some other amazing crafts one of them being .0001 AWP Neo-Noir with four Winged Defuser stickers applied.

Some more bangers
A very interesting craft was made by @bigtenfourCS who had a .00 AWP Prince with three IBuyPower Katowice 2014 stickers, as well as a King on the Field sticker applied. Although the KOTF was applied by him, he decided to scrape it off and applied another IBuyPower on the scope!
Furthermore he also decided to add another Reason Katowice 2014 sticker to his M4 Cyrex where already two holos were applied. Worth mentioning is also a craft done by @Swooce69 who applied four Flammable Foils on the second lowest Souvenir SSG Death Strike!

All in all the new year started off absolutely crazy! Next to some more amazing Katowice 2014 holo crafts we saw other rare and old, sometimes even forgotten, stickers being applied!
Lets see what 2022 has to offer, we will keep you updated!
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