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CS:GO Update - IEM Champions Capsule, RMR Updates

Find out everything about the latest CS:GO Update

Topic: CS:GO Update - IEM Champions Capsule, RMR Updates

CS:GO released the latest update introducing the Rio 2022 Champions Autograph Capsules featuring the winning team Outsiders. Furthermore they announced changes to the RMR system going into the next Major.


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IEM Rio Major Champions Update

The Rio Major has concluded and Outsiders, consisting of Qikert, Jame, FL1T, n0rb3r7, fame and coach dastan, managed to win their first Major trophy in a quite surprising event where many of the top favorites didn't make it to the Quarter Finals. As we're used to nowadays, the Major Champion gets his own, individual Autograph capsule, where 50% of the proceeds go directly to the players and organization.

CS:GO IEM Rio Major Update

The new RMR invitation process

There is not much information about the new RMR system that got announced yesterday but Valve stated the following: "... teams that consistently perform well in Valve and third-party events will be directly invited to a closed qualifier. There, they’ll compete against teams that enter from an open qualifier."

Further details about the RMR will be announced in the upcoming weeks - we will keep you updated.


That's it for today's update. So far, the Major capsules are not discounted, but that's expected to happen soon. We hope you're having a great rest of your week. Feel free to check out some other skin related articles right down below.

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