The ultimate Deadlock performance guide
Topic: Deadlock: Ultimate performance guide: best settings, fps boost and system requirements
Ingame lags take a massive toll on a users enjoyment of the game and also insanely limit their potential skills, by not having fluent fps. More frames per second mean potential faster reaction times as well as an overall smoother game experience.
Although turning your settings to the lowest possible might seem the right solution, it most of the times is not. Absolute lowest settings might boost your fps but will not give you the edge in gun fights as you have less visibility and an overall obscured view.
tmez jAlex

The best settings for Deadlock
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (or your monitor’s native resolution)
Refresh Rate: Your monitor’s highest (165 Hz e.g.)
Display Mode: Fullscreen
Brightness: To your liking however, 90 nicely balanced
Use advanced settings: Enabled
Render Quality: 60 percent
Anti-Aliasing: FXAA
Screen Space AO: Low
Distance Field AO: Off
Texture Quality: Med
(Medium has higher performance impact, but the texture gives you a better overall feeling and competitive advantage)
Distance Field Shadows: Enabled
Displacement Mapping: Disabled
Post Process Bloom: Enabled
Effects Bloom: Disabled
VSync: Disabled
Area Lights: Disabled
Depth of Field: Disabled
Distance Field Reflections: Disabled
MBOIT: Disabled
If you have a 4k or 8k monitor, make sure to decrease the resolution as a higher resolution will cause immense performance losses. Rather having a slightly blurry gameplay, than less frames than your monitors refresh rate. It is recommended to use FXAA Anti-Aliasing to smooth out edges in the game, to have a smoother overall look and feeling when grinding countless hours. Turning Anti-Aliasing off will only give you a small performance boost, but the overall ingame look worsens a lot, so decide for yourself.
Secret Advice for increased fps on low end Computers:
How to change your Hz inside your NVIDIA control panel:
- Open Nvidia control panel
- Navigate on the left side to “change resolution”
- Select your monitor
- Change the refresh rate to 165 Hz
- Boot up Deadlock
- Navigate to the settings and follow the screenshots instruction