D&N skin showcase 3
The dreams & nightmare contest is soon coming to an end. During the past few months creators had the chance to submit skin that are unique and beautiful enough for a chance of being implemented and they did so! As we already showed you some gems in our last two articles, we would love to continue today.
For our blue skin in todays showcase we have a tech nightmare skin, a simple but nice looking virus skin. With the plain design comes a simple color scheme, red elements with black background and a texture handle. The MP5 would be perfect for the blue spot, and would be a welcome sight for some tech related nightmares.
Workshop page
Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2593403088
PP-BIZON | Ouija
As purple skin we chose the PP-bizon | Ouija by Sorarox. This ouija board inspired skin is quite detailed, and comes in a grainy wood and with metal accents. The wooden parts come with the typical alphabet burned into the wood alongside themed doodles, these dark engravings are well accented by the chalk-like drawings on the metal parts. The chosen design reminds me of the AK-47 Wasteland Rebel, with a similar color scheme. All in all would love seeing that one ingame.
Workshop page
Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2569219460
Dual berettas | Moonguard
As this week's classified we chose the Dualies | Moonguard by MRT. A detailed design with a fitting color scheme giving a nice night feel to the skin. Matching the name, the moon serves as a guardian against nightmares with some calming colors surrounding it. Overall a solid design, giving a Man O'War vibe with the yellow and blue color themes. They would fit well in the pink spot of the upcoming case.
Workshop page
Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2607852368
AK-47 | Goddess of Dreams
As the final skin we will be looking at the Goddess of Dreams by Madara & Blazer. This red and gold skin features Nidra Devi who is considered as an incarnation of the goddess of sleep. The detailed design is all over the stock and body with a gold accented grip to contrast the body. A very detailed and colorful skin that would be well deserving of the AK spot in the case.
Workshop page
Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2591743782
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