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Dreams & Nightmares Case Release

D&N Case Review + Opinion

Topic: CS:GO Dreams & Nightmare Crafts + Release + Review

In today's article we would like to introduce you to the new Dreams & Nightmare Case. Well, the skins are not really new. Valve announced the winners and also skins of the case already one and a half months ago. In the night of 21.01.2021 finally also the long awaited case with the 17 winner skins followed!

In the coming paragraphs, you will find all the information about the new CS:GO Case as well as a personal opinion on them! Feel free to share your opinions on our social medias!


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Dreams and Nightmare Case - Valve Statement

"Today we shipping the Dreams & Nightmares Case, featuring 17 weapon finishes selected from the CS:GO Steam Workshop as part of the Dreams & Nightmares contest and the Gamma Knives from the Operation Riptide case as rare special items!

The CS:GO team reviewed over 15,000 entries from artists around the world and selected 17 weapon finishes to ship in the case. Each winning entry received $100,000 USD, for a grand total prize pool of $1.7 million.

The winning submissions were produced by 23 different artists, of which 14 were first-time contributors to the workshop. We want to thank everyone who submitted entries and took part in the contest.

The case is now available as an in-game drop and from the Steam Community Market!"

Mixed Feelings

In this classification we have seven new skins. We start with two pistols which are the Five-Seven Scrawl and the P2000 Lifted Spirits. Furthermore, the case holds two SMGs in store for us with the MAC-10 Ensnared and the MP5-SD Necro Jr. In addition to the SCAR-20 Poultrygeist, we also have the MAG-7 Foresight and the Sawed-Off Spirit Board in the Heavy weapon category.

My personal favorite is the MAC-10 Ensnared, with a plain partly white design. However, I can well imagine that many of you will like the new Five-Seven Scrawl, which has a cool comic design! While you can probably craft quite well on the P2000 Lifted Spirits, the other four skins are a bit too pale for me. Which blue skin is your favorite? Feel free to let me know on Twitter!


Quite Cool!

We've arrived at the purple category of the new Dreams and Nightmares Case and are looking at a selection of pretty cool skins. While we got two completely different but interesting rifles with the G3SG1 Dream Glade and the M4A1-S Night Terror, the new case also brings us a black and white USP Ticket to Hell. In addition to the XM1014 Zombie Offensive, we also see a PP-Bizon Space Cat in the SMG category!

Personally, I am again a big fan of the black and white USP-S, but also especially think the PP-Bizon Space Cat and G3SG1 Dream Glade are very interesting. The XM1014 Zombie Offensive has a funny comic design which I nevertheless don´t like as much as other XM skins and also the M4A1 is not really my taste, although it looks quite cool in game, especially when inspecting.


Love those!

Let's move on to the pink skins of the new case. All three skins are very freaky. In addition to a laughing melon you can expect about 20 eyes on a Famas, as well as an excellent MP7 Abyssal Apparition.

All three skins are very well done and have numerous detail on them! Although I find it difficult to choose a favorite, I will probably go with the Dual Berettas Melondrama, which I like a lot as well! As you have already noticed, I like freaky designs, but I could imagine that some of you do not like the pink skins at all! I am curious about your comments.


Whole Lotta Red

In the highest classification, we can see an AK-47, as well as an MP9. While the MP9 Starlight Protector can be used to expand a white loadout, the AK-47 offers us a (so far) incomparable design. With a creature in the foreground and numerous colored lines, it should probably please people who like to have it completely crazy.

I personally don't like the AK-47 Nightwish at all, although I prefer design intensive skins, the AK is a bit too much and just doesn't look good in-game. The MP9 is solid, but for me can not decisively influence the overall impression of the red skins. I hope the AK-47 meets the taste of others!


Summary & Community Feedback

All in all, I still think the new case turned out well and I'm especially pleased with a few new white skins, which have come rather rare in the history of CS:GO.

The community is a little split in view of the selected skins, due to the great variety of submissions. The nice thing is, however, that taste is subjective and everyone certainly likes something from the new box, maybe the artists that were not selected get another chance in the future!

In this sense, we would once again like to congratulate all artists that were included in the case and we can´t wait to read which skins you like the most!

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