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Dreams & Nightmare Skin showcase

D&N skin showcase #2

With the Dreams & nightmare contest coming to an end, we will be looking through some more gems that have been submitted.


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Sawed off | Ancient Fear

As our first skin we have the Ancient fear by Forzen.xyz & KenN. This gorgeous dragon comes in a grayscale design with some fitting texturing on the barrel and pump grip. The design was based on the scary stories told to the creators of a dragon flying over and attacking the city. This is very well captured in the skin, with the red eyes giving a scary vibe. They aim for this to be blue, but could definitely pass as a purple skin.
Workshop page

Ancient Fear
Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2615570696

G3SG1 | Darkwood Spirits

Next up we have a skin by Octopusdie. This skin portraits the dark woods theme perfectly, well accented by the bright blue spirits. The spirits have a paint feel to them making them look even dreamier. Overall a solid design for a purple skin, a nice balance between bright and dark with a cool dream vibe. Would love to see it ingame.
Workshop page

Darkwood Spirits
Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2616045330

FAMAS | Pandora’s key

For our third skin we'll be looking at Pandora’s key by Re.specter, this line art style design is very well fitting for the pink status in the case. The red box is well contrasted by the blue horrors the box contains, this is all accented by the golden bipod and charging handle representing the key for Pandora's box. Overall a great design with a fire & water feel to it.
Workshop page

Pandora´s key
Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2610600329


As our final skin we have a beautiful skin made by Madara & Blazer. This colorful skin has some hidden secrets beside the stunning design. When inspecting the skin there is a spiral that lights up giving a hypnotizing effect if you stare long enough, the spiral also lights up when shooting the MP9 giving a nice light up effect similar to the Negev | Ultra Light. This skin would be very deserving as the red of the new case.
Workshop page

Feel free to support the creator of this skin on his workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611427059

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