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EsportFire Transfermarket: The Ultimate CS:GO Free Agent Database

Find out what CS:GO Pro Players are currently LFT

Topic: EsportFire Transfermarket: The Ultimate CS:GO Free Agent Database

Have you ever wondered what CS:GO pros are currently without a team, or felt like you were out of the loop when teams picked up new players that you weren’t aware of? Well boy do we have a treat for you! The EsportFire Transfermarket is the perfect tool for teams looking for new players or fans of the scene looking to learn more about its players.


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What is the Transfermarket?

The EsportFire Transfermarket is a consistently updated database of over 60 players currently listed as LFT(looking for team). Each player on the database has a player profile which showcases tons of important information like age, role, experience, region, tier, previous teams, and more. Along with this, each profile has links with the players' Twitter, Liquipedia, HLTV, and Steam profiles.

In general we display all players that might look for a new team right now, ranging from players that are inactive on their current lineup, still under contract or completely free agents. We are a community project and if you got any information, rumours or news to share with us feel free to reach out via our contact page or directly on Social Media!

CS:GO LFT Player Database EsportFire Transfermarket

How do I find specific LFT players?

Transfermarket’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to find specific CS:GO free agents in multiple ways. If you have a specific name in mind, you can simply enter the players official or ingame name. However, if you are looking for a broader range of LFT players that fit under certain details, you can filter the list by region, age, role, experience, and even tier(ranging from upcoming players to big name tier 1 players). On the LFT database, you can find a huge range of players with experience ranging from 2 to 13 years and ages ranging from 17 to 34.

CS:GO LFT Player Database EsportFire Transfermarket

What happens when players find a team?

One of the best parts about running an LFT database is when we get to remove a player from the database because they found a new home with a team. When transfers are announced, we add a small announcement to the “Latest News” section on the right hand side of the database. Along with this, we post tweets on the @cstransfers Twitter for quick updates regarding player transfers. For especially interesting topics, such as the long awaited return of AWPing legend kennyS, we even write full articles on the Transfers section of the website.

CS:GO LFT Player Database EsportFire Transfermarket

How do I find all this?

Simply click on the menu icon on the top right of your screen and click the Transfermarket near the middle of the options. Furthermore you can just follow this link: EsportFire Transfermarket. Enjoy!

CS:GO LFT Player Database EsportFire Transfermarket

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