Unboxes, market trends, crafts and more
Topic: Market Recap CS:GO Unboxes, Crafts, Cases : July 2022
Welcome to our fire market recap for a really hot month. The temperatures are not the only thing that has risen this month. Cases and skins have seen a big increase during those sunny summer days. Let us introduce you to the changes and new stuff that CS:GO has seen this month!
For those who are new to our monthly recap series, these will include the latest news for CS:GO skins about:
- New rare and unique unboxes;
- New expensive and/or rare sticker crafts (Katowice 2014, Krakow 2017, contraband stickers etc.);
- Market changes (items going down/up);
- Official skin-related content (new cases mostly, but anything from Valve);
- Uncategorized (New marketplaces, skins recently registered on or off databases);
Welcome to yet another edition of our monthly Market Recap! We hope you enjoy reading, learning, and looking at the skins and crafts that the CS:GO community has provided for you in July!
New Case:
The Recoil case got released this month! A crazy new addition to CS:GO is the USP-S | Printstream. You can say what you want about this skin, we all know that the Printstream-family is very in favor and well received by the community, the players, and also by some high-tier sticker crafters!
Check out our in depth article here:
Recoil Case OUT NOW.
Today's article features some of the new crazy crafts, but also some older legends appear. But first, let us start off with the cases as we normally do:
Breakout Case:
A case that is still going up in price is the Breakout case. And we can not blame it at all! The Butterfly is one of the most popular knives in all of CS:GO history. And if you are lucky enough to actually beat the odds and hit the gold you are guaranteed a Butterfly knife as only they exist in this container. As you can see some units got sold for WAY under price. Around 450 cases got sold for ~1€! If this is someone looking for a quick cashout, a lucky buy order, or a mistake we simply do not know.
(price of the “Operation Breakout” case in months on the steam community market)
Clutch Case:
The Clutch case seems to be our favorite. The gloves from the clutch case are still solely found in this case. When we first started our market recaps a Clutch case was around 17 cents per unit. Now we are at roughly around 37 cents per unit!
This might not sound like an awful lot, but it IS an increase of over 215 percent!
(price of the “Clutch” case in months on the steam community market)
Now let's get to the unboxes this month:
StatTrak FN Karambit | Ruby!
An INSANE unbox happened to a Twitter user.
got one of the nicest and maybe even cleanest Karambit Ruby’s there is! A very posh corner and a very crazy knife to unbox.

Lost Talon Knife | Case Hardened WW (Pattern: 222)
This Talon was unboxed this month. It has been picked up by FloatDB, but nobody knows where it is now! It seems to just have disappeared. Theories are that this one landed in a private bot inventory and is thus lost for now.

Karambit | Case Hardened FT (Pattern: 138)
A user over on CS:GO Reddit unboxed this beauty. In the video, you can hear one of his friends yelling “check the pattern”. Check the pattern indeed! This Reddit user has unboxed himself a nice little blue gem!

Skeleton | Case Hardened BS (Pattern: 403)
Twitter user @
ptree_na unboxed this absolutely unreal Skeleton Case Hardened with the pattern ID of 403. This beauty is considered as the best possible blue gem when it comes to Skeleton knives. Although it's "only" Battle-Scarred we are talking about a value of around USD 38.000.

Now we can go over the crafts that happened this month:
AWP | Gungnir 4x VOX Katowice 2014 (Holo)
Crafted by @
zipelCS on this 0.0004 Gungnir for @

M4A1-S | Blue Phosphor 4x VOX Paper
Another nice craft that we got, is this clean Blue Phosphor. We love the strong contrast between yellow and blue. They are good complementary colors.

All of those skins are mixed crafts. Mixed crafts with a few things in common. All of them are Printstream skins and all of them have a Vox Katowice 2014 Paper on the best positioning for their weapons respectively.
So without further writing, here are the three skins:
USP-S | Printstream 1x VOX Paper
M4A1-S | Printstream 1x VOX Paper
Desert Eagle | Printstream 1x VOX Paper
USP-S | Printstream:
Since the Printstream USP-S has seen the light of day a LOT has been crafted on it: For time sake we can not include every craft, but we will cover noticeable ones!
StatTrak USP-S | Printstream w/ 4x Crown (Foil)
USP-S | Printstream w/ 4x Natus Vincere (Holo) | Katowice 2015
USP-S | Printstream w/ 4x Dignitas (Holo) | Cologne 2014
AK-47 | Ice Coaled w/ Dignitas (Holo) | Cologne 2014
Let us not overlook this cool and clean Ak Ice Coaled.

The new Case is bringing some fresh wind into the CS:GO community and its crafting department.
We are a fan of the new additions that this case brought for upgrading certain skins or finishing themed loadouts.
If you want to see more cool crafts on newer guns, and stuff that we have not mentioned be sure to check out our
Craft-Talks #17.
We are excited because soon the anniversary capsule is set to be released. We hope to cover the capsule, and maybe some unique and cool sticker crafts in upcoming articles.
*All pictures taken on OhnePixel server
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