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Austin “mesamiduck” Dardar - Story, IGLing and more!

NA's Next Top IGL - mesamiduck

Topic: CS:GO mesamiduck Upcoming IGL

It’s common knowledge that North America is devoid of top in-game leaders, and many believe it’s one of the leading causes of the region's struggles. The need for a new top IGL may be answered soon due to the exciting rise of the new talent; mesamiduck.

  Jellin   Andy   ESL | Adela-Sznajder

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Only The Beginning

Austin “mesamiduck” Dardar has had a rapid rise through the ESEA divisions only starting his ESEA career in late 2018. Quickly after mesami's start, in his second season, he was able to make Open playoffs where his roster went out 0-1 but this led to him joining up with a new team for the next season in Intermediate. Duck had a dismal showing in season 32 only playing two matches with two separate teams, and afterward, he did not participate in season 33.

Season 34 of Intermediate duck was able to find a solid team and competed with them for a majority of the season. Once again, duck joined a new roster, making Intermediate playoffs for season 35, however, his stint with this roster once again came to an end. After many unsuccessful, outings with different teams, duck finally found a consistent roster, playing with a squad now under the moniker of washed up 5.

With this new team duck and his teammates found ample success in Intermediate season 36, immediately making playoffs with the team, and qualifying for the ESEA Main division. Once making Main for season 37 the team was able to maintain their spot, then afterward started season 38 hot. Under duck's leadership, the roster was able to get to a 7-0 start to the season, asserting themselves as top dogs in the division, sadly however due to the tragic occurrence of Hurricane Ida, duck was unable to finish out the season with the said roster.

Next Step

After duck's solid performance in season 38, he got the chance to play with a consistent Main playoff roster in Rectify Esports. Rectify had a very good track record of consistently making Main playoffs, but falling just short of promotion. With the addition of duck, along with other talented players, Rectify was able to take their team to the next level. Rectify went on to have a crazy postseason performance, coming all the way through the lower bracket to win Main season 39.

After their eventful Main season, the team showed their prowess again in Advanced season 40 fighting through the division to make playoffs, where the team went out 0-2. Despite the team's playoff flop making playoffs in your first season after promotion is admirable, and shows a great amount of skill. After helping Rectify rise through the ranks, and earning himself some clout throughout the scene, duck received an offer he couldn't refuse.

The Next Chapter

Duck rose through the ranks incredibly fast and now sits atop the slope after joining up with Third Impact. Third Impact is an ESL Challenger League team that struggled to maintain its spot in the division, however, looks to bounce back with duck at the helm. The team has already shown good signs qualifying for day 2 in both IEM Dallas qualifiers. This roster has everything to prove but with duck’s current trajectory he may just be able to turn this into another chapter in his success story.

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In Depth With Duck - Interview

What are your goals with CSGO and what is your main motivation?
“My main motivation and goals are to keep playing until I get the feeling that it’s time to stop or I stop improving. I feel like I am still improving a lot per season.”
Did you see yourself rising through ESEA as fast as you did?
“At the early part … No. It was just small goals when I was playing Intermediate and Open. At that time I had around 80-90 ADR and continuously felt improvement and wanted to get Main. After Intermediate and Main, I realized I'm a pretty solid player and I put a lot of work into it. I really like competing, so I'll put my all into it. I put a lot of work and time towards improving myself in different ways.”
What is your outlook on IGLing?
"I would say definitely European, I'm not a fan of too much aggression, definitely thought out processes and protocols. Sometimes I think it could get too complex. I think the benefit is the long-term consistency of it."
How did you come to join Third impact?
“It first started in the last season of Advanced when I was going to get a tryout for Early Birds in Advanced. They were rebuilding and they wanted me to come to try out to be their IGL, but at the end Dane left for Third Impact and the team fell apart and I stayed with Rectify. After this season, Dane talked to lucid and asked if he knew any guys that can IGL. Lucid suggested to try me out at least. They thought I was solid in the qualifiers and liked how it went from there, and picked me up.”
What is your goal with Third Impact for this season?
“These players, since I rose so fast, I didn’t know them and they didn’t know me either. In the short time, I’ve played with this team, I see their communication is flawless. I think the roles fit perfectly, we have some nice shooters and I'm confident in my work. I think playoffs will be the goal next season assuming I stay with the same team. I don’t think we will have the same record as last season for Third Impact. A huge problem was that they didn’t have an IGL and I think that hurts a lot. I think we have a high potential once we play the right way."
What are your personal goals this season?
“I’ve gotten confident and I’ve been trying hard not to develop an ego, I wanna be someone people can look up to. I think we have an ego problem in NA CS where people tell you, “you can't make it”. I think if you play as a good team and have good protocols and environment it doesn’t matter what people think of you. I’ve been thinking of starting a coaching academy league, after making Premier a lot of people messaged me.”
Make sure to show him some love on his Twitter & enjoy the rest of your day everyone!

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