Crafts, prices & supply Winged Defuser - Sticker Spotlight #2
Sticker Spotlight - Winged Defuser supply, price, crafts & trend
Welcome to our second article of the CS:GO „Sticker spotlight“ series, which is going to feature many different stickers and their backstory, as well as current development and crafts. In today’s article, we will be covering yet another rare, old, and discontinued sticker, known as „Winged Defuser“.
Winged Defuser - General Information
The sticker “Winged Defuser” is one out of four discontinued stickers that was firstly published in the Steam Workshop on March 15th, 2014. The first time we could see this sticker in-game was on May 1st, 2014 when it got introduced in “The Hunt Begins” update alongside 17 other stickers from the Community Sticker Capsule One. A total of seven workshop artists worked on this sticker. Those being: “Nextgenz”, “Dirp”, “irecon”, “Klint”, “Rene” and two designers that made the “King on the Field” sticker: “sic” and “FLaMmenWerFeR”.
Some of you may not know this, but even though we only had a paper version of the “Winged Defuser” sticker introduced to the game, in the Steam workshop we can see that there is also a Holo version of it. Sadly, that one didn’t make it into the game, even though it looks really amazing.
The description for the “Winged Defuser” sticker says that the designers were inspired by the original Counter Terrorist Logo of Valve. There is also a little inspirational description saying: “The Winged Defuser will help you in defusing any bomb.”

Winged Defuser - Discontinued
But, just like the “King on the Field” sticker, the “Winged Defuser” sticker was removed from CS:GO on June 12th, 2014 because every single item that designer “sic” worked on or collaborated with got taken down by Valve.
All of that came because he worked on the legendary M4A4 Howl skin together with “Auzzii”. Another workshop artist that stole designs for that weapon skin, which later on was removed due to copyrighted content.

Winged Defuser - Sticker Supply
Just like other discontinued stickers, the “Winged Defuser” is not an exception when it comes to a low supply of unapplied stickers. Ever since it was firstly discontinued, the supply of the Winged Defuser sticker kept getting lower and lower. Especially during the last year as we got many new crafts that we will take a look into right after this paragraph.
As of today, there are currently 157 of unapplied “Winged Defuser” stickers left. Furthermore, 55 of them are confirmed to be banned according to
Winged Defuser - Sticker Crafts
The “Winged Defuser” sticker currently has a bigger supply of unapplied stickers than the “King on the Field” sticker that we covered
in the last article, but the amount of Winged Defuser crafts that have been made until this point is not as big as you might expect. Ever since the sticker got released there have been a total of 6.716 skins on which at least one “Winged Defuser” sticker is applied.
That is 1004 less compared to the “King on the Field” sticker. With that said, let's take a look into how many 4x Winged Defuser sticker crafts are out there. According to floatDB, only 16 four times “Winged Defuser” sticker crafts exist. Out of those 16 crafts a majority is owned by collector called

@Swooce69 is the owner of 8 (50%) four times “Winged Defuser” sticker crafts. Not only does he own a full Neo-Noir collection with four “Winged Defuser” stickers applied onto the skins, but also some unique 1/1 craft such as the rank #2 AK-47 Neon Rider with a float value of 0.000004, the Famas Cyanospatter from the Lake collection and a classic USP-S Stainless. A unique collection that you don’t see that often nowadays. On his own, he applied around 16 stickers that summed up to around ~5600$.

All of the showcased crafts in this article are 1/1 crafts, except for the M4A1-S Guardian. As a fun fact for the Guardians we don't only have a version without any stickers scraped, we also have a version of the same Winged Defuser craft that has all four stickers scraped. Truly breathtaking.

Winged Defuser - Overpriced?
One unapplied “Winged Defuser” sticker nowadays goes for around ~500 USD. New four-time crafts would cost a crafter close to ~2000 USD. What a crazy amount of money considering that we know how much the biggest collector out there spent on his collection. Does the look of this sticker and its rarity justify the price? Let us know what you think on Social Media.

Winged Defuser - Price Trend/Development
Just like the “King on the Field” sticker, the “Winged Defuser” sticker is steadily increasing for the last couple of years. The cheapest listed price for one unapplied “Winged Defuser” sticker is currently around ~525 USD and listed on Buff163. The latest sales of this sticker are between 350 USD and 430 USD. Like other old and discontinued stickers, the “Winged Defuser” sticker price is on an upward trend due to low supply.
Considering this sticker is “cheap” compared to “King on the Field” (another discontinued sticker) we could say that if there would be any future crafts with this “Winged Defuser” sticker, the next price jump could also be a big one due to the low supply.

Writers favorite
Even though each skin has its own value, its own pros, and cons, I need to say that my personal favorite would be either the AK Vulcan or another AK, the Redline owned by
@BenXIstSam2_0. The contrast of the Vulcan matches the sticker in a very nice way, but I also like it when the sticker pops out on certain skins and a good example of that would be the Redline. But, I can't deny that the full Neo-Noir set is something special and unique as a whole as well.
We hope you enjoyed today’s article that once again covered a really old and well-known sticker from CSGO. Let us know if you have any ideas for crafts with the “Winged Defuser” sticker that you would like to see getting crafted in the future.
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