The new souvenir skins
In this article we will generally talk about the new souvenir skins and their future, as well as the current supply. Did you already open some nice skins from the new Souvenir packages? Show us them in the comment section on Twitter.
Data from 11.11.2021
How to get them?
What to expect by opening them?
So what can you expect from opening these? Well, generally said a big loss. The rates for possible profit are very bad and with that most people who open them are just getting back greys, that are basically worthless value wise. The chance of getting a covert is around 1 in 3960 (~0.03%), while the chance of getting a grey is 80.01%.
Will people even open them?
Early hype
That fact resulted in pretty high prices when they first got marketable and tradable. People were able to sell their packs on the market and use the money to buy others in-game with still having some profit. The most expensive ones are of course the Mirage and Dust2 packages, because of their top-tier coverts. After a few days people were expecting the prices to drop to normal but they actually just kept rising till a point where some packs sold for 12€ cash value on buff163.
Next phase
How rare are they going to be?
Are they gonna rise in price? Maybe, all depends of how many people will open them after they can't be purchased anymore in game. Is the supply gonna be huge? Most likely. Is the supply gonna drop in long run? It's gonna drop in short run for sure, a bit, but in a few months we will most likely gonna get a new Major that is gonna feature most or probably even every of the current collections again, which will drive the price of these back down and rise the supply.
About the skins, especially the supply of the covert ones, is not that big. With under 30 of them registered on floatdb the Imminent Danger is currently the least dropped, while on the other side, the Desert Hydra has a supply of over 250 already. Overall, not that big compared to the non-souvenir version of them, but big enough to not let the prices go as crazy as some people might have expected.