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Your CSGO sticker Crafts/Combos! - Twitter Community voted

Community sticker crafts

Your CSGO sticker Crafts/Combos! - Twitter Community voted

In today's article, we are looking at some of your CS:GO sticker crafts! We gave our Twitter community the possibility to post some of their own crafts. The eight most liked responses will be featured in this article, enjoy watching through them! The pictures shown below are partly from the owners of the skins, all props to them and the artworkers!

If you would love to see more of such community articles make sure to let us know and feel free to come up with ideas and suggestions. First of all thanks to everyone who participated! We had close to 100 entrances and a close battle for the top-10 spots - let's get started!

  jAlex   Andy

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Benx with his beautiful AUG

With 15 likes on his reply @Benx is starting off today's article with an amazingly fitting AUG. He decided to apply four DreamHack NiP Holos on it and crafted himself a quite amazing playskin!

Community Crafts


Next up with the same amount of likes, @EvGoat shows off his USP-S "Ticket to Heaven?" as he decided to name it. Applied on the USP-S Ticket to Hell are four Krakow 2017 Innocent Foils, making it an amazing craft!

Community Crafts

Penta Wins

One more USP-S craft for now, this time around one of the cleanest crafts we have ever seen. @0nionMuncher decided to apply four Katowice 2015 Penta Holos on his USP-S Whiteout. What a craft!

Community Crafts

The Wolves are coming for you!

CS:GO crafts on Heavy Guns are always beautiful to see! @ Thicc Squidward decided to apply four Cologne 2014 Copenhagen Wolves Holos on his MAG-7 Prism Terrace. A craft with style in every perspective!

Community Crafts

Wait, WHAT?

Definitely the winner of today's episode of Community-Crafts! @ der_bummie decided to apply a Katowice 2014 HellRaisers Holo on his Default AK-47! With that he managed to get himself a life-long banger AK-47, what an amazing decision!;)

Community Crafts

Our man!

Banger after banger. @CptnKraken is not only crafting amazing pieces like that XM, he is also delivering Steam guides on a regular basis! We love to see people that are as passionate about the game as he is! We're currently at 18 likes by the way, let us continue!

Community Crafts


Wait a second, that's me?! Quite a weird feeling to write about my own craft, didn't think it would make it into the top-8 when posting it! As our next craft we got an AWP Oni Taiji with four MLG Columbus Splyce Holos. I am very passionate about those stickers and the Oni Taiji was one of my first self-made crafts!

Community Crafts

whYYY so hot?

For our third most liked post of this article we got three amazing skins submitted. @YYY did not only craft the banger shown below, but also an AWP Containment Breach with a Katowice 2014 Dignitas Holo and a M4A4 Cyber Security with four Katowice 2014 Complexity Holos!

The CS:GO craft we are talking about in this article is a StatTrak AK-47 Rat Rod with four Katowice 2014 Complexity Holos. Definitely a questionable piece but with that even more special and unique!

Community Crafts

Time for one more USP!

It really seems like our beloved CT-pistol was the unique selling point for this article with three showings! Jokes apart, @Saltenator decided to craft a USP-S Ticket to Hell with four Flammable Foils - what an amazing match!

Community Crafts

The 2017 energy!

Last but definitely not least! Our beloved friend @RaCSGO shared one of his oldest crafts. Back in 2017, he decided to apply four Krakow 2017 Chopper Golds on a StatTrak P90 Chopper, making it a unique name fit! 40 people in the community decided to vote that craft as our #1 in today's article. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated!

Community Crafts


It was very fun to look through some self-made CS:GO community sticker crafts. If you would love to see more of such articles, where we heavily include our community, feel free to leave us positive feedback under our Social Media posts! Cheers!

All the other screenshots were made on the ohnePixel server

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