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Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Find 10 amazing, cheap MP5 skins in Rust

Topic: Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Welcome to this week's Rust article! Today we will be covering the top 10 best and cheapest MP5 skins in Rust. All of the skins shown today are made to fit any budget inventory and will help make a delightful arsenal.

  Drenlin   jAlex

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Frosty MP5 (USD 0.69)

To start our list off we have the Frosty MP5. The Frosty MP5 makes a great budget skin due to it being a cheap counterpart to the Cold Hunter MP5, which fetches prices up to seven dollars. The skin shows the default MP5 buried in a thick layer of ice. It has a very minimalistic design and works well in any minimalist or blue inventory.

Frosty MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Zebra MP5 (USD 0.71)

The Zebra MP5 features a clean zebra print design with a nice, bright pink finish. Zebra print became trendy way back in the 1920s and was popularized by the actor Joan Crawford. The print remains timeless up until today and can fit any stylish inventory on a budget.

Zebra MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Rare Flame MP5 (USD 0.75)

The Rare Flame MP5 has a unique golden flame pattern on the front with gray and red accents on the side and back of the gun. The clean color palette may nudge towards ancient samurais with the same red, gold, black, and gray colors.

Rare Flame MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Retro Blast MP5 (USD 0.77)

The Retro Blast MP5 is a straight blast to the past with its quirky retro design. It uses the 3 primary colors and puts them in crisp diagonal patterns. It also has a trim cloth and rubber design around the stocks and handguards giving the old arcade feel while also standing out from all of the other MP5 skins.

Retro Blast MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Charcoal Sketch MP5 (USD 0.87)

The Charcoal Sketch MP5 blows away the expectations for a cheap MP5 Rust skin and completely breaks the traditional norms we see in the other skins in the game. The skin has a totally different art style from any skin in the game and stands out as one of the most creative budget skin options.

Charcoal Sketch MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Love Deluxe MP5 (USD 0.88)

The Love Deluxe MP5 features well… a lovely design. It has cutesy paw stickers along the receiver with hearts in a more graffiti style along the stock and handguard. The text “LOVE” stretches up and down the pistol grip and outlines of the pistol bullets are traced along the magazine. What a great addition to our list of the best cheap MP5 skins in Rust.

Love Deluxe MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Neo Soul MP5 (USD 0.96)

The Neo Soul MP5 may fondly remind you of Fortnite's green Skull Trooper skin. It’s a clean blue skin with a glow-in-the-dark bone design making the skin almost lifelike. The skin makes a great fit for anyone with a blue-budget inventory or anyone just trying to make a more Halloween-themed inventory.

Neo Soul MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Poseidon MP5 (USD 1.00)

The Greek god Poseidon, king of the seas. This is the skin you need if you wish to conquer the seas like he has. It has a slick black-gold design and a neat wooden stock. The skin screams professionalism and luxury and is perfect for anyone trying to solidify themself as a Rust god.

Poseidon MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Banger MP5 (USD 1.06)

We mentioned the Banger MP5 in our previous article on the best cheap Rust skins. If its extraordinarily cartoonish and rustic designs placed it on the list of the best budget Rust skins, then it’s for sure to make it on our top-10 best budget MP5 skins in Rust.

Banger MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust

Bombshell MP5 (USD 1.09)

The Bombshell MP5 is an extremely distinctive skin, its rustic, military-like, paint job is one to admire. The neat Shark mouth design along the handguard, and flames coming from the stock, with the green metal plating design make this look like scraps from an old war plane re-used to make the MP5. This is an amazing pickup for any green inventory.

Bombshell MP5 - Best Cheap MP5 Skins in Rust


We hope you enjoyed today’s article covering the best cheap MP5 skins in Rust. If you’re looking for even more budget skins to help skyrocket your inventory into utter greatness, feel free to check out our article on the Best Cheap Rust Skins or any of our other Rust articles right below this paragraph. Have an amazing day!

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